Arts & Lifestyle

Controlling the narrative – Part 5/6

Pakistani Female Figurative Artists Series

These women are the ‘joie de vivre’ of the Pakistani Figurative Art Scene.

By Anum Lasharie

With great pride, I present to you 6 female artists who are changing the narrative and shooing away the cultural stigmas attached to figurative artistic expression in Pakistan.

These 6 brilliant artists who will be introduced to you over 6 individual features, ignite a unique dialogue, ripe with debate and controversy. Challenging love, angst, and society, with awe-inspiring abandon.

Welcome to part 5/6 in our series of introducing some of the coolest female figurative artists Pakistan has to offer.

Naira Mushtaq

Naira Mushtaq’s work focuses on her fascination with vernacular photographs, these amateur visuals encase the illusion of memories, an overwhelming sense of nostalgia and an underlying mundanity resulting in a constant yearning for the past. This constant longing to be a part of something and yet distant from it is present in her work.

Her practice is a mirror image of this volatile enthrallment with the unattainable. The imagery revolves around manipulating and obscuring old photographs to the extent where one character cannot be recognized as an individual but becomes a fragment of a longstanding memory and or a representation on the future.

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